BZPower Comics Wiki

der Verein (The Club in German) is an upcoming comic series, soon to be written by Saru of Spunk. It's release date is completely unknown, but few characters are already planned. Other than that, no other information can currently be provided


Saru of Spunk- Formerly Sybre of SybreNetX, Saru plans to restart everything. He has a similar personality to his original counterpart.

Kujo- Kroyen "Kujo" Seitar was assigned to Saru's studio for a home. Kujo comes from a rich family, being the oldest of three children. The youngest, Ais, had a terrible accident, turning him into a memory-less coward who must stay in his favorite recliner and be cared for by his sister, the middle child. Later, Kroyen was hit in the head with a metal bat, turning him into an uncontrollable psycho. Eventually named Kujo.

Reggie- Is your average guy. He provides encouragement for other characters and spends every morning with the daily newspaper and a cup of coffee.

Austin- A real life friend of Saru and will replace Nootun.

Viyuken- Will possibly replace Vance.

Soul 75- TBA

Uras- The new version of Erbys.


  • In some cases, der Verein could be a new SybreNetX.
  • der Verein was part of a comic preview topic that was eventually closed due to a new rule banning review topics. Not one dV comic was released.